Dating Tips For Men - Should You Tell Her Everything?

One of the most common traits that average guys share when it comes to dating women is that they tend to want to share almost everything about themselves right from the get go. Sounds like a decent idea, as so many women will complain about the lack of honesty that most men have. However, just because it sounds like a good idea, does NOT mean that it always is.

So, should you tell everything to a woman?

If you want the short answer, then in two letters, N-O. Not in the beginning. See, you have to allow things to take a natural course of action. You don't want to divulge too much about yourself from the very moment that you meet a woman.


You need to give her a reason to want to get to know you. You have to make her want to see you again and again and to do this, you have to give a little here and there, not all at once. some guys get caught up in being too honest from the beginning because they end up talking too much when they first meet a woman. The more experience that you get, the more you will see just how important it is to leave a woman wanting to know more about you if you want her to feel attraction.

Curiosity makes here want to see you again and again.

Being able to make a woman curious about you is what will make her want to have a second and a third date with you. Revealing too much from the beginning will take away from that natural curiosity, which is all part of the "dance" when you first meet a woman.
If you want to make her want you again and again, then you have to leave her wanting more from YOU.

10 Things In Women That Turn Men Off

It has been long since you have been in a relationship but you still feel weak in your knees every time you go out with him on a date. This is a common fear that lurks in the heart of every couple. The reason is purely psychological and your relationship might just be perfect. But still, before going out every time, you devote a fairly large amount of time in getting ready. The same applies for men also but usually it is women who are to a certain extent overtly concerned to hold the attention of the man. It is necessary to keep your lover interested in you and so care should be taken about not doing anything that may make him think otherwise.

For many women this is a genuine problem. They just don't know how to handle the situation and lose an opportunity for a prospective relationship. That is why this needs to be handled cautiously. So, whether it is an old relationship or a new one in the making, it is crucial that women keep in mind to portray themselves with confidence and give out the right vibe to their male counterparts.

Some quick tips can make the work easier for women:
  • On a date, dress well. It is a well known fact that men like well groomed women. Wear a dress in which you are comfortable but look good. Be simple and that might just do the trick.
  • Choose a topic of conversation on which you both can talk. Make it interesting and humorous. Be wise in whatever you say and don't leave loose ends. Avoid being a chatterbox and don't say anything too personal or embarrassing.
  • Be presentable when you are out with the special man in your life. Avoid using too high a make up, keep your nails trimmed and well manicured and your hair stylish. A good physical appearance is necessary to make him notice you.
  • Try to resist yourself from interrupting him when he is speaking on a topic. Give him equal opportunity. Don't laugh at whatever he says or compliment him unnecessarily on everything. This might make him feel that you are desperate to make an impression on him and are actually pretending.
  • Do not go on asking questions which you know irritates him. Be a little understanding and give him an opportunity to explain. Nagging him and accusing him for everything can surely turn him off.
  • Avoid asking him questions about how much he earns. This can make him feel that you are only interested in his finances.
  • Do not ask him anything related to his past relationships. This would be deliberately hurting him. Also refrain yourself from saying anything about your past relationship, unless asked.
  • If you have been in a relationship for long, then also do not bring any comparison between his family and yours. Constant comparison may make him feel that you don't hold a good opinion about his family.
  • While you are out with the love of your life, make sure that your attention is only on him. Noticing someone else or being distracted towards another man in his presence can hurt his self esteem and surely turn him off.

If you are out on the very first date of your life, then make sure that serious topics like marriage and children are reserved for the future. It is important to know each other better than looking for strong commitment in the very first meeting.

What Traits Do Men Look For In Their Future Wife?

Many men are afraid of a lifetime commitment but what is it about a woman that makes him want to take that major leap into marriage bliss?  Most likely the answer is knowing that he has chosen a woman that enhances his life, allows him to be himself and inspires him to be the best man he can be.  Sounds pretty simple huh?  Well, often times relationships flat-line and become habitual because of co-dependency and the loss of that excitement and spark that keeps the juices flowing.  When that happens, the man and the woman tend to re-evaluate a lifetime of stagnancy with a partner where the lust is lost and the chemistry is co-put!

So what is hiding on a man's secret wedding checklist?  How do you get him from "I do love you" to "till death do us part"?  The truth is that there are certain unique qualities and behaviors that he may be looking for in his lifetime mate.  So let's check some traits out that make him want to say "I do" instead of "I cannot deal"!

To Nag or Not to Nag…that is the question!

A man does not feel very manly when he is constantly being told what to do or what he has not done right!  Many of us women get irritated and consumed with the fact that we have asked for something to get done or for a behavior to be adjusted and unfortunately our wishes are not being fulfilled.  Although it is frustrating it can not be the only topic of conversation.  Why would your significant other want to pick up his phone if he knows all he is going to get is an ear full about how he still has not booked the plane tickets for your visit to family for the holidays!  In fact, he may be feeling resentful of your bossy attitude and that is why he is not doing it!  Partners have to be supportive of one another and pick and choose their battles.  Sugar gets you further than vinegar and maybe a cute sticky note on his rearview mirror that says, "Hunny, please don't forget to book the flights.  You're the best, Love ya" with a red lipstick kiss, is a better way to go!  He will think it is sweet and want to get the job done because of the way you ask.  Sometimes it is all in the delivery and a lifetime with a bossy drill sergeant is not going to get him to want to walk down that isle!  Sugar and support…key components!

Get a Life!

He should have his friends, you should have your friends and then you should have couples you hang out with.  A man can tend to feel smothered or lose that longing for his woman if she is constantly available and dependant on him for her entertainment.  You want your man to wonder when you are coming over and miss you a little bit.  Independence is an attractive quality and one that makes a man continue to vie for your attention.  You should always make him feel like a priority but never lose your identity.  Have a hobby or interest that you pursue often whether it is an art class, yoga, book club, gathering with the girls and so on.  You want to have mutual activities and interests that you share with your partner but you also need to have a sense of self that is for you to explore and appreciate.  He will appreciate it for the long term.  A life of needy is not attractive but a life of appreciation for you as your own person is appealing.

Be Spontaneous in the Intimacy Department…

Spice it up and keep it exciting!  No man is looking for a lifetime of frumpy t-shirts and oversized sweatpants every night of their life!  Surprise him with an intimate massage or a bubble bath for two.  Keep exploring new ways to explore each other and he will be happy to keep coming back for more!  You never want him to think "this is it"?  You always want him to think "I wonder what she will come up with next"!

Continue to Surprise him with your New Experiences and Evolution of Self.

Show him and yourself that you are multi-faceted!  Take on your bucket list so you can evolve your life experiences and get excited to share them with him!  Your excitement will get him excited and he will think of how amazing you are to take on life with zest and adventure.  As you explore your many interests he will be seeing layers of you unfold for him to discover.  He will get a thrill out of wondering what you will do next and you will feel progressive, stimulated and inspired.  It leads to a mutual exhilaration.

In conclusion, men want stimulation, independence and support.  They want the nurturing woman who brings them chicken noodle soup when they are stuck in bed with the flu and the adventurous woman who is constantly searching for the next life experience to explore and share with them.  All good things in life flow.  Notice how a flowing stream has clear crisp water as it grazes the rocks and continues to move compared to a stagnant murky pond that remains still and lifeless.  It is the same with relationships, life and love; they all need the energy of the flow to remain healthy and strong.    

Portuguese Wedding Traditions

In ancient times, the Portuguese used to marry simply to build a family. Given that the parents decided on all details regarding the wedding -- including the selection of the Groom and the Bride -- love was not necessarily the main reason for marriage.

Everything involved an agreement between families. The Bride's family would be responsible for the hosting of all the parties, while the Groom's family would be responsible for giving a large gift to the newlyweds -- usually a house. Nowadays, even though there are many traditional and conservative families, marriage is a synonym with a promise of mutual love that will last as long as both parties shall live.

In days past, the Bride's family would hold the engagement party. Tradition called for the Groom to send a friend or a relative to ask the prospective Bride's father for permission to ask for the daughter's hand in marriage. Often, the Groom's father performed this task. If the Bride's father agreed, the young man could formally ask for the girl's hand in marriage, and having thus received the father's blessing, the wedding was allowed to take place. An ancient tradition -- long abandoned -- called for the prospective Bride to pretend to be a cow that needed to be recognized by its owner, her soon-to-be husband, before the wedding celebrations could begin.

Considering that the majority of people in Portugal are Roman Catholic, a mass would follow the engagement. After this mass, close relatives would be invited to a small reception. The Bride would choose a "Madrinha" -- a Maid of Honour -- and the Groom would choose a "Padrinho" -- a Best Man. In some cases, two couples would be chosen to fill those roles.

A Portuguese couple's wedding invitation traditionally carries both the Bride's and the Groom's addresses, since it is customary to live with one's parents until married. All wedding gifts are traditionally sent to the Bride's house, and put on display to be admired by relatives and close friends who come to visit. On those occasions, tradition calls for a cup of tea and a piece of cake to be served.

Since Portugal is a very conservative country, with a large Roman Catholic population, bachelor and bachelorette parties have always been rather innocent -- consisting mostly of friends and relatives getting together for food and drinks. It is customary for the oldest members of the Bride and Groom's community to attend the Groom's stag party, where he bids farewell to his single life and his single friends.

Macedonian Wedding Traditions

Galicnik which extends on the falls of mount Bistra is found 110 km away from the capital city of Macedonia. Each year Galicnik hosts a traditional Macedonian wedding in the beginning of July. This traditional wedding is a remainder of the past. When Galicnik had 1600 people living in 800 houses.

The sound of drums and trumpets echoes through mount Bistra and the valley of the river Radika. The people from Galicnik and some 7.000 quests from the Republic of Macedonia and from U.S.A, Germany, Austria, Italy, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and some other countries. Each tradition and ritual was followed with great interest and attention. All of this was captured on photo and film cameras.

This year the wedding started on Saturday afternoon with the arrival of the drums, and soon after that the mother in-low danced the (Svekrvino Oro) the Traditional Mother in-low dance.

In the front yard of the grooms house, girls and boys dressed in Traditional clothes which originate from Galicnik with flowers they decorated the "Barjak" which was then put on the house. The older people from Galicnik danced the "Hard Dance" (Teskoto) , the symbol at the people in this region. Whale dancing, they were reminded at the hard past, at the fortune seeking, at the weddings and the happiness. A few tears rolled down their wrinkled cheeks in grief for the past and happiness that Galicnik still lives.

On the second day at the wedding the rituals continued. On this day the groom together with his closest relatives invite the Godfather to attend the wedding. Before the wedding column was formed, the groom was shaved and few traditional songs were sung: " Nejke zetot berber da go brici, tuk mi saka mlad pobratim...". In the moment when the the in-lows were on their way to the bride they carried out the custom "Bodinjanje" where they race who will be first to get to the brides house.

Many customs were carried out there too: looking through the ring, giving presents, carrying the dowry and taking the bride. During the two days, a number of customs and rituals could be seen on the Galicnik wedding.

This gave outside a glimpse of the richness and atmosphere of wedding in the past. The marriage ceremony attracted the most guests. This takes place in the church temple "St. Petar and St. Pavle" in Galicnik. Each year the temple in filled with people.

How To Win Your Wife's Love Back - Advice For Men

Watching your marriage falling apart is a horrible feeling. It's even more emotionally challenging if you are still in love with your wife. We often make the mistake of thinking that we can't control how another person feels about us. That's not always the case. If you want to keep your family together there are ways you can win your wife's love back.

The most important thing every husband in this situation must remember is that his wife chose to be with him at one point. Think back to when you first met and married your wife. She was likely crazy about you and couldn't get enough of you. In order to win back your wife's love you have to work to recreate those feelings in her. You can begin by remembering how you viewed each other.

Life often gets in the way of happiness. It's so easy to fall into the common trap of letting the romance slip out of your marriage when life's daily stresses take over. If you want to win your wife's love back you need to focus on her. You have to put her needs above everyone else's. When you two first married you likely tended to a lot of her needs. That may have changed over the years and if it did, now is the time to get back into that routine.

One thing that many men don't realize is that women fall and stay in love with men who make them love themselves. Your wife fell in love with you initially because you brought out her best qualities. If you've stopped showing her how valuable she is as a person and a wife, her feelings for you may shift. Make a concerted effort to compliment her more often. Tell her how much you value and need her. Don't make a large production of it, and don't go on and on. Just make sure each and every day that she knows that your life is better because of her.

The help you need is the "Magic of Making Up", an excellent e-book by T. Dub Jackson. In the in The magic of making you will find some very simple ways and methods that will show you how to get your wife back. They are plain suggestions and real down to earth methods although some what unconventional to help you to get your wife back in days - not months or years. The get wife back formula is for people having an intense urge to find out ways and means to make up for their loss. They are no way black magic but works like magic to get your wife back.

That's why it is called The magic of making up, an e-book that can make you relish the true sense of love fully renewed and rejuvenated. This magic of making up lays down all the necessary ingredients and simple yet unconventional procedures needed to get your wife back.

Love: Where Success Begins

The absolute best definition of love I have ever found is this, "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails" (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).
If you are thinking that's a pretty tall order, you would be right! But when God issues an order to love, He provides us with the means to do it; that means it is through his Son, Jesus Christ. When I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I learned He would help me love Him and others by expressing His love through me. I certainly can't do it on my own! No one can!
You are God's workmanship!
Once you make yourself available to love God and His ways, you have to learn to love yourself. Not with a self-centered or conceited type of love, but with a genuine love for who God created you to be. He made you and loves you; now you have an obligation to appreciate His handiwork!
Loving God and yourself provides a firm foundation that prepares you to love others and to achieve greatness. Love includes self discipline, taking personal responsibility for your life, and realizing you have a part to play in your success. Operating from the basis of love insulates you from selfish greed, immoral decisions, and the poison of unforgiveness.
One of the saddest things to observe is a person's rise to success and power followed by a tremendous fall. Often this is because the person's talent took him or her higher than the depth of their character could support. When a person has a shallow character, they do not have the firm foundation they need to stay at the top.
 How should I show love to others?
I've established several habits that I use to show love for others in my personal and business life. By these principles I show respect, focus on people's strengths, and treat them like I would like to be treated. 
  • Noticing: Rather than rushing by, slow down and acknowledge the person near you, even if it's with a nod and a smile.
  • Listening: Make a point to truly listen, not just talk. People will tell you amazing things if you take the time to listen.
  • Asking questions: Ask questions that show you are listening and attentive; that what they are expressing is valuable to you.
  • Discovering their interests: Become acquainted with what interests a person. I've actually ended up hiring people after I took the time to learn their interests.
The benefits of love
  1. For our benefit: God is more interested in our personal growth and character development than He is in our ease and comfort. That's why we are called to love even those who have hurt or betrayed us. Not with a sloppy indulgent love, but with a love that believes for redemption and restoration to a healthier state of being. God even promises to reward us for showing love through our actions: "But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be the sons of the Most High"( Luke 6:35).
  2. For others' benefit: When we show love for someone when they don't deserve our love or forgiveness, we plant a powerful seed. I've had numerous people become curious about my faith when they either experienced or observed my love in action. I was able to share about my Savior and the great sacrifice He paid for my own salvation and for theirs.
It is God's will that you love yourself and others by allowing His love to pour through you. In the end, love is simply part of your service to others. Love is not always returned, therefore be satisfied that you have been obedient and leave any rewards for that obedience to God. As you climb your ladder of success in your personal and business life, take with you the one sure thing that is necessary to stay there…the one force that is more powerful than any other in the world; the source of unlimited possibility and unstoppable freedom. That force is LOVE!
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